Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weekly Food Prep #1: Soup

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Save for the hot hot summer months (and even then I often make a summer soup of sorts) I am a lovable soup eater.

Soup is great when you're thirsty, hungry, sleepy, tired, sick, excited...I could go on for days about the AWESOMENESS of soup. I will spare you my ramblings and get to the point.

Every week, and I mean every week, I make a pot of soup. It's my creed. It's my sanity.

Now for those who say, "Meh, I like soup but I get bored if I have to eat the same thing everyday." I say: stick with'll see. I will offer options for modifications that will entertain even the miser-iest of us all, my bubby.

Now, as I was saying...ah, yes SOUP.

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Reasons why I like making soup:
1) Pour it all in a pot and walk away. (for the most part)
 - Soup usually cooks itself, minus a bit of stirring here or there and the occasional check that it's not boiling too vigorously, it usually requires minimal "kitchen work." This is a HUGE bonus for me, and will be for you too if you're the kind who has a bit of time to chop and prep and then other things to do. Soup is a good option for those strapped for time.

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2) You can make soup out of just about ANYTHING.
 - You've got carrots, peas, corn, potatoes and garlic on hand...let's make some soup! No carrots, okay, no problem. Throw lentils, pumpkin puree, onions, and some celery in, add water and season to taste...and we've got soup! Leftover rice and stirfry in the fridge, throw it in there...add some chopped kale, seasonings, and chopped red peppers...and we've got soup! The list goes on and on...

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3) It's filling.
 - Anyone responsible for feeding themselves can easily say, "once I eat, I don't want to be heading back to the kitchen in an hour or so in search of food." You cook, you eat, you get on with your day. No one has days and hours to spend cooking and cooking on end just to survive. Soup is the answer of all answers. You eat some, not yet full, eat some more.

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4) It's cheap.
 - Most of the time when I endeavor to make soup, I look in the fridge, cupboards and crisper, see what's around, make a pile on the counter, pick out some options and "throw it in a pot." I'm not kidding. Once it starts cooking I season to taste, put the lid on and walk away. I don't tend to grocery shop to make soup. You can very often use what you already have in your pantry and reduce your trips to the store.
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5) It's healthy.*
 - Now this one is tricky, depending on what you put in it. If we're talking ham hocks and fried butter onion soup...or mac n' cheese soup (there exists such a thing)...not so healthy. Just because you cook it down and throw in a veggie or two doesn't necessarily make it good for you. We CAN however, make our soup choices largely veggie-based, limit the salt and try not to over cook them. These suggestions can help to preserve the nutrients in our soups and make them a very healthly alternative.

So, there you have it. My humble plea for weekly soup-making. I encourage you to make some yourself this week! Share your "spontan" recipe below!

Afraid of making TOO much soup? here's a tip on how to freeze leftovers.

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